Agreement of Verb with Subject Mcq Questions

Agreement of Verb with Subject MCQ Questions: Enhance Your Grammar Skills

Agreement of verb with subject refers to the grammatical rule where the conjugation of a verb changes depending on the number and person of the subject. This concept is crucial in obtaining fluency in English language skills. Therefore, it is essential to learn this rule, and you can do so by practicing MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). Here is a comprehensive guide on agreement of verb with subject MCQ questions and how to improve your grammar skills:

What Are MCQs?

MCQs are a type of objective test questions that require the test-taker to choose one answer from the given set of options. MCQs are used to assess the understanding of a subject in a quick and time-efficient manner. They are widely used in various educational institutions, including schools, colleges, universities, and professional examinations.

How to Improve Your Grammar Skills with MCQs?

One of the significant benefits of using MCQs to improve your grammar skills is that they provide immediate feedback. You can instantly identify your mistakes and correct them. They also help in boosting your confidence and retaining the knowledge for a long time.

Here are some useful tips to help you improve your grammar skills with MCQs:

1. Understand the Concept

Before attempting the MCQs, it is crucial to understand the concept of the agreement of verb with subject. Read the grammar rules related to this concept, and practice some examples to get a better understanding of the topic.

2. Practice MCQs

Practice as many MCQs as possible. You can find MCQs on various online platforms, including educational websites, mobile applications, and blogs. Make sure to practice the MCQs with different levels of difficulty.

3. Analyze Your Results

Analyze your results after practicing the MCQs. Identify the areas where you made mistakes and try to understand the reason behind them. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future.

4. Seek Help

If you find any difficulty in understanding the concept, seek help from your teacher, tutor, or any grammar expert. Also, join online forums and discussion groups related to grammar, where you can discuss your queries and learn from the experiences of others.

Examples of Agreement of Verb with Subject MCQs

Here are some examples of agreement of verb with subject MCQs:

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: The group of students _____ excited for the upcoming trip to the museum.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. was

Answer: A

Explanation: The subject `group` is singular, so the verb `is` should be used.

2. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: The company`s new policies _____ a positive change in the workplace.

A. has created

B. have created

C. has create

D. have create

Answer: B

Explanation: The subject `policies` is plural, so the verb `have created` should be used.


In conclusion, the agreement of verb with subject is a crucial concept in grammar. MCQs are an effective way to enhance your grammar skills. Practice as many MCQs as possible, analyze your results, seek help when needed, and remember to understand the concept first. Moreover, it is essential to keep practicing your grammar skills as it will help you to become more confident and fluent in the English language.